A prospective, multicenter, 4-year study of the ACE
Surgical resorbable blast media implant.
J Oral Implantol 2003; 29(4):174-80 (ISSN: 0160-6972)
Gonshor A; Goveia G; Sotirakis E
McGill University, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Montreal, Quebec,
This article reports on the 50-month results of the
evaluation of the ACE Surgical resorbable blast media (RBM) dental
implant. There were 1077 implants placed in 348 patients: 950
in the mandible and 127 in the maxilla. A total of 78.6% of the implants
were used to support anterior, mandibular, bar-retained overdentures.
The 3.75- to 4.00-mm-diameter implant was used in 91.1% of cases,
with the remainder being 3.3 mm (2.2%) or 4.75 mm (6.7%). The
of 10-, 13-, and 15-mm lengths were used in almost equal amounts
in the mandible, maxilla, and anterior or posterior aspects of
either jaw. There were 7 failures, all in the mandible and before
2 surgery. The overall implant success rate in this 50-month
interim report is 99.3% in the mandible and 100% for the maxilla.
There was
no discernible crestal bone loss during the study period. No
differences in bone response were seen in RBM implants with roughened
on the entire implant, up to the collar, or up to the first 2
threads below the collar.
本文报告了针对ACE外科再吸收喷砂介质(RBM)牙种植体的基于50个月跟踪、观察结果的评估。总共有348位患者计1077棵牙种植体:其中950是下颚,127是上颚,种植体总数的78.6%是用来支持前部的、颚的、条块保存式牙齿根部。直径为3.75- to 4.00-毫米的种植体占有了91.1%,余下的为3.3 毫米的 (2.2%) or 4.75 毫米的 (6.7%)。长度为10-, 13-, and 15-毫米的种植体几乎相等地分布于下颚、上颚及位于前部或尾部的上下颚。有7次是失败的,所有发生在下颚且于手术阶段2之前。基于50个月的观测数据,总体来看,下颚种植体成功率达到99.3%,上颚种植体成功率达到100%。在研究期间没有可觉察得到的骨表面蚀失。在RMB种植体于整个种植体粗糙的表面,上至轴环,或者上达轴环下面首2个螺丝。
Bone response to machined and resorbable blast material
titanium implants: an experimental study in rabbits.
J Oral Implantol 2002; 28(1):2-8 (ISSN: 0160-6972)
Piattelli M; Scarano A; Paolantonio M; Iezzi G; Petrone G; Piattelli
Dental School, University of Chieti, Chieti, Italy.
The aim of the present study was a comparison of implants'
responses to a machined surface and to a surface sandblasted
with hydroxyapatite (HA) particles (resorbable blast material [RBM]).
Threaded machined and RBM, grade 3, commercially pure, titanium,
screw-shaped inplants were used in this study. Twenty-four New
white mature male rabbits were used. The inplants were inserted
into the articular femoral knee joint according to a previously described
technique. Each rabbit received 2 inplants, 1 test (RBM) and
1 control
(machined). A total of 48 implants (24 control and 24 test) were
inserted. The rabbits were anesthetized with intramuscular injections
of fluanisone (0.7 mg/ kg body weight) and diazepam (1.5 mg/kg
b.wt.), and local anesthesia was given using 1 mL of 2% lidocaine/adrenalin
solution. Two rabbits died in the postoperative course. Four
were euthanatized with an overdose of intravenous pentobarbital
after 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks; 6 rabbits were euthanatized after 8 weeks.
A total of 44 implants were retrieved. The specimens were processed with the Precise 1 Automated
System to obtain thin ground sections. A total of 3 slides were obtained
for each implant. The slides were stained with acid and basic fuchsin
and toluidine blue. The slides were observed in normal transmitted
light under a Leitz Laborlux microscope, and histomorphometric analysis
was performed. With the machined implants, it was possible to observe
the presence of bone trabeculae near the implant surface at low magnification.
At higher magnification many actively secreting alkaline phosphatasepositive
(ALP+) osteoblasts were observed. In many areas, a not yet mineralized
matrix was present. After 4 to 8 weeks, mature bone appeared in direct
contact with the implant surface, but in many areas a not yet mineralized
osteoid matrix was interposed between the mineralized bone and implant
surface. In the RBM implants, many ALP+ osteoblasts were present
and in direct contact with the implant surface. In other areas of
the implant perimeter it was possible to observe the formation of an osteoid matrix directly
on the implant surface. Mature bone with few marrow spaces was present
after 4 to 8 weeks. Beginning in the third week, a statistically
significant difference (P < .001) was found in the bone-implant contact percentages in machined and RBM
implants. It must be stressed that these results have been obtained
in a passive, nonloaded situation.
Experimental study of bone response to a new surface
treatment of endosseous titanium implants.
Implant Dent 2001; 10(2):126-31 (ISSN: 1056-6163)
Sanz A; Oyarzun A; Farias D; Diaz I
Odontology Faculty, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile.
This study examines a new surface treatment that uses
coarse calcium phosphate, which provides the benefits of surface
roughening without introducing any foreign materials that may
become imbedded in the implants. It is intended to enhance the use
of implants
in areas of inferior bone quality and quantity, such as the posterior
areas of the maxilla and the mandible. Implants placed in the
tibia of rabbits were removed after 16 weeks and examined microscopically.
Pore sizes examined under the scanning electron microscope met
conditions described in the literature for successful integration.
Optic microscopy revealed evidence of bone apposition over the
roughened implant surface comparable to that seen in other surfaces.
was a definite absence of fibrous tissue, demonstrating good-to-excellent
bone contact with the Restore Resorbable Blast Media implants
(Lifecore Biomedical, Chaska, MN). In addition, it appears that the
of resorbable calcium phosphate on the machine titanium surface
results in the resorbable blast media surface acting like an inert material. Further
studies with a larger sample size are needed to confirm these
initial findings.
这一研究检测了一中使用粗磷酸钙进行新的表面处理的方法,它提供了表面粗糙的好处且没有引入任何外部的可埋置在种植体的材料。它的目的是旨在增强种植体在下骨质量和数量方面的利用,比如,上下颌骨后面的区域。种植在兔子胫骨出的种植体在16周后被清除并用显微镜检测。经扫描电子显微镜下观测,孔径满足文献里面关于成功的整合所描述的条件。光学显微镜发现的在粗糙的种植体表面的骨同位证据类似于在其它表面所看到的。可以明确肯定的是,不存在纤维组织,表明了好到优秀的与Restore Resorbable Blast Media种植体的接触(Lifecore Biomedical, Chaska, MN)。另外还显示,吸收性磷酸钙在机械加工钛表面的喷砂导致吸收性喷砂介质表面行为如惰性物质。这些初步的发现需要进一步的研究和更多大量的取样来验证。
Histomorphometric analysis of the bone-implant contact
obtained with 4 different implant surface treatments placed side
by side in the dog mandible.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2002 May-Jun; 17(3):377-83
(ISSN: 0882-2786)
Novaes AB; Souza SL; de Oliveira PT; Souza AM
School of Dentistry of Ribeirao Preto, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
PURPOSE: The different implant systems available today
present several types of surface treatment, with the aim of optimization
of bone-implant contact. This study compared 4 different types
of implant surfaces. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The first, second, third,
and fourth mandibular premolars were extracted from 5 young adult
mongrel male dogs. Ninety days after removal, four 3.75-mm-diameter,
10-mm-long screw-type implants (Paragon) were placed with different
surface treatments in mandibular hemiarches. The dogs received
implants of each of the following surface treatments: smooth
(machined), titanium plasma spray (TPS), hydroxyapatite coating (HA),
and sandblasting
with soluble particles (SBM). The implants were maintained unloaded
for 90 days. After this period, the animals were sacrificed,
and the hemimandibles were extracted and histologically processed
obtain non-decalcified sections. Two longitudinal ground sections
were made for each implant and analyzed under light microscopy
coupled to a computerized system for histomorphometry. RESULTS: The following means were obtained
for bone-implant contact percentage: machined = 41.7%, TPS = 48.9%,
HA = 57.9%, and SBM = 68.5%. DISCUSSION: The means for all treatments
that added roughness to the implant surface were numerically superior
to the mean found for the machined surface. However, this difference
was statistically significant only between groups SBM and machined
(Tukey test, P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: The SBM-treated surface provided a greater bone-implant contact
than a machined surface after 90 days without loading in this
目的:基于优化骨—种植体接触的目标,当今存在的几种不同的牙种植系统展示了几种表面处理方法。这次研究对比了4种不同的种植体的表面。材料和方法:从成年杂种公狗取出第一、第二、第三、第四下颚小臼齿。90天后,4个直径3.75毫米,长度10毫米螺杆式种植体(Paragon)采用不同的表面处理方式被种植到颚的下颌骨内。这些狗接受了2种下面所列的表面处理方法:光滑的(机械加工);钛等离子喷涂(TPS);羟基磷灰石涂层(HA);喷砂可溶性颗粒(SBM)。种植体保持90天,90天后,这些动物被牺牲掉,其下颌骨被取出,并进行组织结构上地处理,以得到非脱钙的切片,每一个种植体得到2个纵断面的切片,并在与电脑系统相匹配联通的光显微镜下进行组织形态测量、分析。结果:下列方法获得了骨—种植体的接触百分率:机械加工的 = 41.7%, TPS = 48.9%, HA = 57.9%, and SBM = 68.5%.讨论:所有增加种植体表面粗糙度的方法在数字上优于机械加工的种植体表面。但是,这种差别的统计学重要意义仅存于SBM方式处理过的和机械加工处理过的种植体之间(塔基检定, P < .05)。结论:SBM方法处理过的种植体表面在90天后,在没有装载的情况下,相比于机械加工的种植体提供了强大很多的骨—种植体接触。
Evaluation of the interface between bone and titanium
surfaces being blasted by aluminium oxide or bioceramic particles.
Clin Oral Implants Res 2003 Jun; 14(3):349-56 (ISSN:
Mueller WD; Gross U; Fritz T; Voigt C; Fischer P; Berger G; Rogaschewski
S; Lange KP
Dental School, Medical Faculty Charite, Humboldt-University of Berlin,
Berlin, Germany.
The surface structure, in particular the surface roughness,
and the surface chemistry of titanium implants influence their anchoring
in bone. The aim of this study was to analyse metal-bone contact
(MBC) after modification of the implant surface, using different
materials for blasting. The surface modification of titanium was
produced by blasting it with particles made of Al2O3 or bioceramics.
The biological effects were then investigated experimentally using
27 rabbits, analysed after 7, 28 and 84 days after the implantation
of titanium cylinders treated accordingly. The MBC showed a tendency
for more bone after bioceramics were used as a blasting material,
compared to Al2O3.
表面构造,尤其是表面粗糙度,以及钛种植体的化学表面影响它在骨上的固定。本研究的目的旨在分析在用不同的材料喷砂改造了种植体的表面后对金属—骨接触(MBC)的影响。钛表面的改造通过使用由Al2O3或生物陶瓷制成的微粒来喷砂其表面。通过用27只兔子做实验,对其生物学的效应进行调查。在种植了钛合金柱体相应处理过的种植体后, 通过对7天后,28天后,84天后的持续性分析,MBC显示,经过生物陶瓷喷砂过的种植体相对于Al2O3喷砂过的种植体具更好的接触趋势。